Mouse Retina SAGE Library    [Home]    [Libraries]    [Images]

Gene:              Accession:    
e.g., Rho or Rhodopsin e.g., BG297543 batch search
Tag:        Cytoband (Mm):    
e.g., CCCAGTTCAC e.g., 6 E3
Unigene:        Cytoband (Hs):    
e.g., Mm.2965 batch search e.g., 3q21-q24

 UniGene  Symbol  Name  Chr  Cytoband  LocusLink 
 Mm.195461 RhcedRhesus blood group CE and D 4  4 65.7 cM  19746 
 Gene Ontology ammonium transporter activity | integral to membrane | integral to membrane | membrane | transport
 Human Homolog RHD[Rhesus blood group, D antigen]

No In Situ Hybridization images could be found.


Total 30 tags found with positive counts.

  all tags    reliable tags    sum by library with all tags    sum by library with reliable tags  
 Library  Tag (Other Genes)  Normalized Count  % in library 
P8 Cb GCGTGGCGCACG (61)13.10.0131
P8 Cb GCCTGCAGAACT (4)3.30.0033
P8 Cb GCAAACCAAACA (5)1.60.0016
Cb medulloblastomaGTGGCGCACG (61)6.90.0069
Cb medulloblastomaCTGCAGAACT (4)2.30.0023
P8 GC+1d cultureGTGGCGCACG (61)6.80.0068
P8 GC+SHH+1d cultureGTGGCGCACG (61)2.30.0023
P8 GC+SHH+1d cultureAAACCAAACA (5)1.20.0012
3T3 fibroblastsGTGGCGCACG (61)63.10.0631
E15 cortexGTGGCGCACG (61)113.80.1138
P1 cortexGTGGCGCACG (61)18.20.0182
HypothalamusGTGGCGCACG (61)3.60.0036
HypothalamusAAACCAAACA (5)1.80.0018
E12.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)11.30.0113
E14.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)29.20.0292
E14.5 retinaAAACCAAACA (5)1.80.0018
E14.5 retinaCTGCAGAACT (4)1.80.0018
E16.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)25.40.0254
E18.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)10.90.0109
P0.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)25.50.0255
P0.5 retinaCTGCAGAACT (4)20.002
P2.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)17.60.0176
P4.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)17.80.0178
P6.5 retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)38.30.0383
P6.5 retinaCTGCAGAACT (4)1.70.0017
P10.5 crx- retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)130.013
P10.5 crx- retinaAAACCAAACA (5)3.70.0037
P10.5 crx+ retinaGTGGCGCACG (61)32.70.0327
Adult retinalGTGGCGCACG (61)22.20.0222