Mouse Retina SAGE Library    [Home]    [Libraries]    [Images]

Gene:              Accession:    
e.g., Rho or Rhodopsin e.g., BG297543 batch search
Tag:        Cytoband (Mm):    
e.g., CCCAGTTCAC e.g., 6 E3
Unigene:        Cytoband (Hs):    
e.g., Mm.2965 batch search e.g., 3q21-q24

 UniGene  Symbol  Name  Chr  Cytoband  LocusLink 
 Mm.250705 Myh11myosin heavy chain 11, smooth muscle 16  16 5.0 cM  17880 
 Gene Ontology actin binding | ATP binding | calmodulin binding | cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis | motor activity | muscle development | muscle myosin | myosin | smooth muscle contraction | striated muscle contraction | striated muscle thick filament
 Human Homolog MYH11[myosin, heavy polypeptide 11, smooth muscle]

No In Situ Hybridization images could be found.


Total 32 tags found with positive counts.

  all tags    reliable tags    sum by library with all tags    sum by library with reliable tags  
 Library  Tag (Other Genes)  Normalized Count  % in library 
P8 Cb GCCCTTTAATCC (355)52.20.0522
P8 Cb GCCAGCTCCAAG (2)1.60.0016
P8 Cb GCTTGCCCTGCT (3)1.60.0016
Cb medulloblastomaCCTTTAATCC (355)41.60.0416
Cb medulloblastomaTTGCCCTGCT (3)2.30.0023
P8 GC+1d cultureCCTTTAATCC (355)320.032
P8 GC+1d cultureGAGGAGGGGA (12)1.10.0011
P8 GC+1d cultureTTGCCCTGCT (3)1.10.0011
P8 GC+SHH+1d cultureCCTTTAATCC (355)25.80.0258
3T3 fibroblastsCCTTTAATCC (355)70.10.0701
E15 cortexCCTTTAATCC (355)54.40.0544
E15 cortexTTGCCCTGCT (3)4.90.0049
P1 cortexCCTTTAATCC (355)154.50.1545
HypothalamusCCTTTAATCC (355)19.90.0199
E12.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)75.10.0751
E12.5 retinaGAGGAGGGGA (12)1.90.0019
E14.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)120.30.1203
E16.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)68.80.0688
E18.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)23.60.0236
P0.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)72.60.0726
P2.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)70.40.0704
P2.5 retinaGAGGAGGGGA (12)1.80.0018
P4.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)43.60.0436
P6.5 retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)700.07
P6.5 retinaTTGCCCTGCT (3)1.70.0017
P10.5 crx- retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)63.20.0632
P10.5 crx+ retinaCCTTTAATCC (355)38.40.0384
P10.5 crx+ retinaTTGCCCTGCT (3)3.80.0038
P10.5 crx+ retinaCAGCTCCAAG (2)1.90.0019
Adult retinalCCTTTAATCC (355)129.60.1296
ONLCCTTTAATCC (355)84.30.0843
ONLTTGCCCTGCT (3)1.90.0019